Friday, May 27, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Diary of a mad white woman

Have you ever heard a song that makes you automatically perk up? Mine is "Can't Hurry Love" by the great Diana Ross and the Supremes. It also was covered by Phil Collins in the 80s, but the original still reigns absolute. But, really, it's just a really fun song to dance around to.

A tune depicting a mother's less of telling her daughter to be patience in the game of love. However, in general, couldn't this be a telling of life? For there can be no greater lesson in realizing you need to see seek the simple things in life first, then gain the prize at the end. Actions, wether they be positive or negative, can be built on one another. Just keep swimming a little blue animated fish once said, but hey, it's good advice.

The song marks a step of maturity for the Supremes also, moving from the teeny-pop music and themes, into songs dealings will deeper themes and meanings. Therefore, it can also mark a step in one's own building of maturity into adulthood.

So are the lessons taught by your mother the most important? You betcha, so listen well.

"She said to trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The likes and dislikes of a hobby horse

Name: Gina
Age: 22
occupation: professional resume e-mailer

likes: scratching, carving pumpkins, internet memes, the smell of libraries, spicy food (see below), beards, falling asleep on an airplane and waking up in a different time zone, high fives, sloe gin fizzes, the university of dayton, black coffee, shark week, matt lauer, learning and my mother's chicken casserole (well, casseroles in general).

dislikes: sitting for extended periods of time, standardized testing, when people don't follow me back on twitter (excluding celebrities), itches, stephanie meyer, eggplant and my cat.

goal: change the world
status: in-progress


Monday, May 23, 2011

A little bit of spice makes everything nice

I claim to be an aficionado of many things, including, but not exclusive to, beards, The Office (US series), the crust around your eyes after waking up, Tiny Fey, etc. However, one such expertise I have accumulated over time is that of spice, spicy foods. I am an avid consumer of spice, spice and more spice. I won't say I take it to the extreme, but the added heats illuminates the flavors. yum, yummer, yummies. Actually, a few days ago, after a night out in lovely Ada, Ohio, my friend, Matt, and I made buffalo chicken nuggets topped with Sriracha Sauce. So hot, but oh so delicious. Chili sauce, chili sauce, you are my weakness. What does it go great on? Everything. Potato chips, sandwiches and, according to the bottle, even pasta. I have yet to take it that far, but who knows where my obsession will take me.

Continuing, according to the Christian Science Monitor, India added the world's hottest chili pepper, the bhut jolokia or the "ghost chili," as a play in the battle against terrorism. I guess that the only real way to beat pesky terrorist, you got to be creative. I mean, Obama did manage to catch Osama (after only nine and a half years), but the war is not over. Watch out Al-Qaeda, they are going to be making your food extra spicy. All joke aside, the pepper is planned to be used in making tear gas and other forms of chemical warfare. Wow, that is one hot peppa!People are claiming this weapon of chose should be deemed "unfair." But, come on people, we gotta take "them" form all sides. In the end, spices are here not only for our taste buds, but for our well-being too.

Hide yo kids, hide yo eyes.

Oh, the wonders of the chili pepper. My roommates, I mean, parents, allege my asshole is going to fall off from the excess amount of chili sauce I am consuming, but we will just have to wait and see. I will keep you posted (because, isn't everyone interested in my bowel movements as much as myself?) T.M.I.? DON'T CARE. You're the one reading this.

Last, but not least, Putin Pic (Apparently, I made a similar expression during commencement when they showed my jowel on the jumbo tron):

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Looking Past the Porch

I'm back and ready for more. Two weeks ago I graduated from the University of Dayton. I received my diploma along with about 1,400 of my peers. It was, in a sense, the worst day of my life, but there is nothing but up from here. Afterwards, I traveled down to Florida for five days of udder debauchery. I survived, almost, with only a sprained left foot to show for my trip. But, it was the greatest end to my four year adventure.

Furthermore, I changed the name of this venture for the significance of admiring my accomplishments on the UD campus and looking forward into the future. However, I plan on looking at this life day-by-day and focusing on what I am doing now. As for now, I am stuck in beautiful, scenic Bath, Ohio, but plan on making moves, big moves. I will continue this...get excited.