Friday, June 17, 2011

Anyways: the root my demise

Now, I do not claim to be a grammar guru, (actually, I was reading one of my past blog posts a couple of weeks ago and saw I used the word "dreamed" instead of "dreamt." Really, Gina? I need to go back to sixth grade.) however, the word "anyways" is not real, so stop using it, dumbasses. Unless you are willing to sound like a complete tool, it should be erase from your mind...OBLIVIATE!! "Anyways" is a mythical creature sent up by satan to annoy the hell out of me. Please, for the love of all that is sacred, do not use it. It makes YOU sound like a hobby horse and I am pretty sure there is only room in this world for one real life horse to the hobby, yours truly. SO BACK OFF.

Second, continuing the rant on pet peeves (merp). I hate when people who list their likes and dislikes generically so everyone who reads them can relate. Wowing the trolls of the interent with your cleverness and insight is actually not too terribly difficult. I actually hate generic things in general. (Cancel out generic brands from this equation because I am poor and they are delicious since they cost half as much as brand name equivalent, rage.) Generic is synonymous with boring. So, don't try to humor me with your prose if you list "writing" as one of your likes, especially when you have a blog. No shit, you like writing, you have a blog. I hate boring. This is why I spend my Friday nights updating my own blog. (lame.) I am also not claiming I am "better" than others, but I like to transpose the norm and make you think. (I am like the Christopher Nolan of blogging!!) new name?!?!

In the end, being creative is one thing, witty is another. Mix them together with a pinch of sass and voila!, you have an unemployed twenty-something who enjoys the cathartic feeling after a tornado warning.

save me from myself.

Hobby horse n Putin, OUT!

In Soviet Russia, peeves pet YOU!

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