Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When I grow up

What did you dream of being when you were merely 7-years-old?

In elementary school, I dreamt of being a teacher. My first grade teacher's name was Mrs. Tasker. I wanted to be just like her. I wanted to teach phonics, basic arthritic and science. I wished to be a tall as her, as kind and thoughtful while still holding true to the fundamentals of student learning. I felt the majority of my peers were inspired by their own teachers. Teachers are the first adults children spend more time with other than their parents. They are not there to replace them, but to act as a support system for learning and social needs. I discovered the need to continue this sector of American life within my very own American Dream at the ripe age of seven, however there was no way to know where I was going to end up later.

Continuing, the majority of school aged children aspire for careers in teaching, nursing, firefighting, etc. because those are the people who they look up to. There are the one's who are there to help and to create focus. They keep people feeling safe and secure. Security goes missing the moment one leaves the womb. A person then is exposed to the elements until they are sent six feet under.

Currently, I strive to become...a writer? Yeah, I'm a crazy in the sense even questioning my own goals. My grip of the English language remains weary and my sense of self dwindles. Thoughts continuously running through my mind lend me little sanctuary for answer if this is real. The truth is, I love telling people about things. I love telling stories. I can't successfully say I am a good storyteller, but I like to keep people as well as myself informed. I want to be in the middle of the world, talking and really trying to discover what makes humans tick. Who are we? Why are we here? What are the reasons for the problems in the world?

Dreams? Since the first time I watched Almost Famous, I've wanted to write for Rolling Stone Magazine. However, that is what I would like to refer to as "reaching for the stars," but goals are what make humans succeed. Recently, I am striving to work towards the greater good. I want to go an be in the middle of what is happening in the world. Take me there, soon.

Right now, I'm just procrastinating on an article I have to write, but I really am so confused writing down these thoughts helps me organize.

By the way, currently on a HUGE Mumford and Sons kick. Why have I never heard of these fellows before? GREATNESS.

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